In 1880 a site opposite the Globe and Rainbow was gifted to the village by Edward Hussey of Scotney and a ‘neat wooden building’ was erected, constructed by Mr Player, the cost of which was defrayed by the Reverend Henry Harrison. This was known as the Kilndown Club and Institute to be used as a recreational reading room and working men’s club, it was bequeathed to church trustees in 1882 by Henry Harrison to be used for the same or like purposes as long as it was needed. Uses of the building varied widely over the years, Drill Hall for the Home Guard, extra schoolroom, Scout and Guide Hut, and a paint store for a local decorator.
Since the demise of The Globe and Rainbow as a drinking establishment, there has been a lack of a meeting place for ‘local’ people to meet and chew the cud; and so the idea of using the QC as a Pop up Pub has been suggested.
We aim to meet maybe once a month on a Thursday night to dates advertised via email or on the notice board by the pond.
Members pay a modest membership fee for ‘The Season’ to cover venue hire and charitable donation and to possibly subsidise ‘events’.
Members bring along their drinks (and snacks) of choice and spend the evening enjoying one another’s company; possibly pub games and of course general banter!
What better environment than the centre of the village and picturesque pond to spend a summers evening with friends and family or a winters evening tucked up away from the weather?
Our next meet up is planned for the 18th July from 7pm when this years subs of £10 per household will be collected..........we look forward to seeing you there.
For more information or to be added to the email list, please email